企業介紹 課程介紹 接洽流程 線上申請 新聞中心 教材資訊

The Speaking Test

The test is conducted for individual candidates by a single examiner. It is recorded on tape and re-assessed by another examiner. The test has 3 parts and lasts a maximum of 12 minutes.

Part 1: Interview (4 mins)
This is a face-to-face interview with the examiner where candidates are expected to answer questions about themselves, their work or their studies, and their interests.

Part 2: Presentation (4 mins)
The candidate is given a choice of three topics and has one minute to prepare a short presentation on one of the topics. This is followed by some questions on the presentation.

Part 3: Information Exchange and Discussion (4 mins)
This part involves a simulated situation, which is presented on a task sheet and the candidate and examiner take on roles to carry out a task. The candidate's role will require him/her to take the initiative in the task. This is followed by a short discussion on a related topic.

Candidates are assessed by the examiner conducting the test and by another examiner who listens to a recording of the test. They are assessed on:

  • how accurately and appropriately they use the language (grammar and vocabulary)
  • how well they develop the conversation and organise their ideas
  • how fluently they speak
  • how comprehensible their pronunciation is
  • how positively they contributed to the conversation.
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